Concentrate for Steam Up Cows Registration No. V31628 Act 36/1949 tasty coated anionic salts Landhauser Pro broken & cooked grain flakes highly available calcium & magnesium optimized trace element and vitamin supply Important: Use Steam Up 20 always together with Browser K60 A2 Advantages: More milk high feed intake before & after calving reduced Ketosis milk fever prevention (sub-clinical…
Concentrate for young animals Registration No. V31457 Act 36/1949 Probiotics Yeast cell walls and toxine binder Flavours Polyphenols and Alkaloids active supplement protecting the gut & against Advantages supports lactobacilli in the small intestine improves protein digestion optimised function of the large intestine anti-inflammatory substances improve liver-and lung function Fast mode of action – young animals recover after stress…
Concentrate for optimised gut function & high feed intake Registration No. V31459 Act 36/1949 MCFA (medium-chain fatty acids ) Inulin & Betaine organic acids Methionine fermentable fibre herbal aroma Advantages increased feed intake improved liver & gut function higher digestability of amino acids high daily gain & feed efficiency against grampositive and -negative bacteria (E. coli, salmonellae, strepto-, staphylococci), clostridia…